jQuery Live Menu

What is it ?

jQuery Live Menu is a jQuery plugin that allows you to create easily nice and animated menus.

Menu is opened on left or right click on the defined target. You can customize layout, effects and the tooltip design by jQuery parameters .

Just right click on this panel to test me

  • Very easy to use : $('#target').liveMenu()
  • Customize effects, speeds and delays
  • Tooltips are positioned intelligently and they are fully customizable
  • Smart browsers compatibility : more or less effects, but still functional !

Important : The icons are not sold with the plugin, they are only there for the example.
Icons examples credits : Pixeden - WebAppers.com

Demonstrations :

Left click :

Left click Demo

View source code

HTML Code :

<a id="demo1" href="javascript:">Left click Demo</a>

JS Code :

            title: 'Share this by email',
            image: 'Email.png',
            click: function(){ 
                $('#demo1').html('Clicked : Email !');
            title: 'Stats',
            image: 'Chart.png',
            click: function(){ 
                $('#demo1').html('Clicked : Stats !');
            title: 'Share this',
            image: 'Comment.png',
            click: function(){ 
                $('#demo1').html('Clicked : Share !');
            title: 'More informations',
            image: 'Info.png',
            click: function(){ 
                $('#demo1').html('Clicked : Informations !');
            title: 'Download this',
            image: 'Save.png',
            click: function(){
                $('#demo1').html('Clicked : Download !');
            title: 'View portfolio',
            image: 'Picture.png',
            click: function(){ 
                $('#demo1').html('Clicked : Portfolio !');
            title: 'Modify this',
            image: 'Modify.png',
            click: function(){ 
                $('#demo1').html('Clicked : Modify !');
            title: 'Search',
            image: 'Search.png',
            click: function(){
                $('#demo1').html('Clicked : Search !');

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Right click and rect layout :

View source code

HTML Code :

<div id="demo2" ></div>

JS Code :

    button: 'right',
    position: 'mouse',
    menuSize: 80,
        gradient: '#2e2e2e 0%,#424242 100%',
        arrowColor: '#333333',
        color: '#DDD',
        radius: 5
        title: 'Twitter',
        image: 'twitter02_dark.png'
        title: 'Facebook',
        image: 'facebook_dark.png'
        title: 'Google +',
        image: 'google_dark.png'
        title: 'Picasa',
        image: 'picasa_dark.png'
        title: 'R.S.S',
        image: 'rss_dark.png'
        title: 'Deviant Art',
        image: 'deviantart_dark.png'

Slide to the top Slide to the top

Right Click and circle layout :

View source code

JS Code :

HTML Code :

<div id="demo3" ></div>
    button: 'right',
    position: 'mouse',
    menuSize: 70,
        gradient: '#bfd255 0%, #8eb92a 50%, #72aa00 51%, #9ecb2d 100%',
        arrowColor: '#72aa00',
        color: '#0e2901',
        radius: 5
            title: 'Twitter',
            image: 'twitter02_dark.png'
            title: 'Facebook',
            image: 'facebook_dark.png'
            title: 'Google +',
            image: 'google_dark.png'
            title: 'Picasa',
            image: 'picasa_dark.png'
            title: 'R.S.S',
            image: 'rss_dark.png'
            title: 'Deviant Art',
            image: 'deviantart_dark.png'

Slide to the top Slide to the top


To import jQuery Live Menu, just include the css and the js file after jquery, in the head :

        <script src="js/jquery-1.6.4.min.js"></script>
        <link href="css/jquery.liveMenu.css" rel="stylesheet" />
        <script src="js/jquery.liveMenu.js"></script>

Then use it like any jQuery plugin :

            $(body).liveMenu({ ... });

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Parameters :

This is the plugin parameters list :

// target must be a container (div,body,p,a ...)$('#target').liveMenu(                          
// String | path to the images    imagesPath: 'icons/',                  
// "left" or "right" | mouse button to open the menu    button 'right',   
// "fixed" or "mouse" | menu position    position: 'mouse',        
// Array | list of the menu items    items:[

    /* Examples of items */
// String | The item title        title: 'Twitter',                                           
// String | Image file name        image: 'twitter02_dark.png',                
// String URL | Link, can be let empty        href: 'http://www.twitter.com',
// "_self" or "_blank" | the link target        target '_blank',
// Method | Executed on the item click        click: function(){}              
        title: 'Facebook',
        image: 'facebook_dark.png',
        click: function() { alert('FB clicked !');}   
    /* end of items */

// "rect" or "circle" | sets the menu layout    layout: 'circle',                           
// Int | rect width or circle radius (depends of layout)    menuSize: 100,                              
// Float between 0 and 1 | default opacity of the items    opacity: 1,                                 
// Float between 0 and 1 | default scale of the items    scale: 0.7,                                 
// Float between 0 and 1 | opacity of the items while they are behind        opacity: 0.8,                           
// Float between 0 and 1 | scale of the items while they are behind        scale: 0.6                              
    hide: {
// Int | hide speed of the items while the menu is closing        speed: 300,                             
// Int | delay between each items fade while the menu is closing        delay: 50                               
    hover: {
// Int | speed of the item hover effect        speed: 170,                             
// Int | opacity of the item hover effect        opacity: 1                              
    show: {
// Int | hide speed of the items while the menu is showing        speed: 150,                             
// Int | delay between each items fade while the menu is showing        delay: 50                               
    tooltip: {
// Hex color | tooltip arrow background color        arrowColor: '#666',                     
// Hex color | tooltip text color        color: '#333',                          
// Gradient | tooltip background gradient        gradient: '#FFFFFF 0%, #666666 100%',   
// Int | tooltip radius        radius: 3,                              
// Int | delay before showing tooltip        delay: 800,                             
// Int | tooltip show and hide speed        speed: 200                              
// Method | executed while menu is showed    onShow: function(){},                       
// Method | executed while menu is closed    onClose: function(){}                       

You can change them after initialisation like this :

// sets the items opacity    $('#target').data('liveMenu').settings.opacity = 0.5;
// refresh the menu    $('#target').data('liveMenu').update();

Slide to the top Slide to the top

Methods :

You can interact with the plugin :

// open the menu    $('#target').data('liveMenu').showMenu();
// close the menu    $('#target').data('liveMenu').hideMenu();

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